Occupation: Author, Spoken Word Poet, Small
Business Owner
City, State, Country Currently Living In: Tampa,
Birthday, No Year; October 28
Birthplace; Baltimore, MD
Marital Status/Children: Divorced, one son;
Car/s: Honda Accord
Currently Working On: Too much to list
Favorite Number: 12
Favorite Quote: “You gain strength, courage
and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the
face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can
take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you
cannot do.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
Favorite Singer: Tom Petty – A poet
Favorite Song/s: Tom Petty – You Don’t Know
How It Feels
The Most Beautiful Person In The World: My Son
I Want To Teach My Children: Self-worth, all
else is accomplished if that is possessed.
A Really Big Evening To Me Is: Rare. I am a full time mommy and I work 12 hours a
day. I suppose a night in which I take a
few hours break and somehow find a way to relax within that time.
The One Thing I Cannot Stand Is: Ignorance
I Knew I Was Grown Up When: I left my husband
despite only barriers. Alone, with no
one in the world to depend on.
My All Time Favorite Story Is: Thus far “Game
of Thrones”
My Favorite Pig Out Food Is: Anything
My Prized Possession Is: My self-worth; I
worked so hard for it.
I Am Better Than Anyone When It Comes To: Following
my intuition.
If I Could Change One Thing About Myself, I Would:
Not need to live so carefully in order to assure I don’t fall back into another
abusive cycle.
People Who Knew Me In School Thought I Was: a
loser… lol..
The Worst Time Of My Life Was/Is: When I lost
my little girl, Chase Victoria. Some say
she does not count because she died before she was born, in my seventh month of
pregnancy. I suppose only I can comprehend the experience.
Behind My Back, My Friends Say: I worry… Who
knows but I have learned not to care. I am
concerned with what they say to me and I evaluate the role each will play in my
life through that and through instinct alone.
If I Have Learned One Thing In Life, It's: Life
is an endless dance with fate, take the lead and it will not follow.
Three Words That Best Describe Me Are: Intuitive,
Spiritual, Strong
Oscar: Thank you Audrey! Keep up the love!